LEGO conquered the video game space and is now coming for your board games.
LEGO launched a line of board games in 2009, but they got mixed to poor reviews, sold poorly, and were discontinued in 2013. Most games were overly simplistic, as Lego thought kids would want to create and play with their own "house rules." This time, LEGO has partnered with game publisher Asmodee and used experienced board game designers to make LEGO Monkey Palace.
In the game, you and your fellow monkeys attempt to rebuild the Monkey Palace using an assortment of Lego pieces. You earn monkey credits to buy cards that give you more pieces and earn you banana points at the end of the game.
The rules may seem complicated if you haven't experienced modern tabletop games. This may turn off some Lego enthusiasts, but it looks like the sort of game that makes more sense as you play.
One of the optional rules incorporates one of the adorable frogs that are used for the pink leaves in the Lego Bonsai set
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