Paranoid Trump staffers find a plastic toy — call police thinking they are "bugged"

MAGA staffers quickly jumped to conclusions last week, calling police after they heard a beeping noise and saw an unusual item underneath one of the office desks.

"FOUND POTENTIAL LISTENING DEVICES // HEARD BEEPING BY DESKS // INTERNAL SECURITY ALSO FOUND DEVICE," said the report via The New York Times after police rushed to the Trump campaign and Republican National Committee offices. The report also stated that one of the staffers ""THINKS THEY HAVE FOUND LISTENING DEVICES 'BUGS; IN THE OFFICE.'"

Turns out, the alarming "devices" that the terrified Trumpers found were just cheap plastic toys sold on Amazon for $13.97.

What a prankster's paradise! Who better to trick than a bunch of paranoid Qnuts prone to Big Lies and conspiracy theories?

From The New York Times:

Devices were found on Thursday after people heard beeping under a staff member's desk at the Trump campaign offices. When Trump officials searched, they found additional devices, for a total of three. …

Despite the police presence, officials determined quickly that the devices were likely a prank. No one has owned up to the prank, according to a person with direct knowledge of the matter. …

The police report said that "about fifty employees evacuated the suites." The security official who works for the offices in the building told the police he believed "the devices were part of a prank. The suites were canvassed for any additional devices and evidence yielding negative results," according to the document.

Previously: Televised stunt reveals MAGA's cult-like defense of fake depraved Trump recordings