Trump stumbles through conspiracy-laden Fridman interview

Podcaster Lex Fridman interviewed Donald Trump today. The 78-year-old criminal and adjudicated sexual abuser seemed drained of energy, but had just enough gas in his reserve tank to whine about being a victim.

Here are some of the lowlights:

On Kamala Harris's candidacy:

I can't believe the whole thing is happening. We had a man in there that should have never been in there. They kept him in a basement. They used COVID. They cheated, but they used COVID to cheat. They cheated without COVID too. But you had somebody in there. And now we have a woman that is not, I mean, she couldn't do an interview. This was a really soft interview. This is an interview where they're given multiple choice, questions, multiple guess. I call it multiple guess. And I don't think she did well. I think she did very poorly.

On losing the 2020 election (even though Fridman asked him a different question):

I mean, I became president. Then the second time, I got millions more votes than I got the first time. I was told, if I got 63 million, which is what I got the first time, you would win. You can't not win. And I got millions of votes than that and lost by a whisker. And look what happened to the world with all of the wars and all of the problems. And look what happened with inflation, because inflation is just eating up our country, eating it up. So it's too bad. But there are a lot of things that could happen. We have to get those wars settled. We have to get, I'll tell you, you have to get Ukraine done. That could end up in a third world war.

On World War III and how Biden looks in a bathing suit:

There's a lot of danger in the war right now in the world. And there's a great possibility of World War III. And we better get this thing done fast because five months with people like her and him, he's checked out. He just goes to the beach and thinks he looks good in a bathing suit, which he doesn't.

On Biden dropping out of the race:

He sort of checked out. Hey, look, you can't blame him. That was a coup. They took it over. They took over the presidential deal. The whole presidential thing was taken over in a coup. He had 14 million votes. He had no votes, not one. And nobody thought it was going to be her. Nobody wanted it to be her. She was a joke until six weeks ago when they said, we're going to have to, politically, they felt they had to pick her. And if they didn't pick her, they thought there'd be a problem. I don't know if that's right or not. I actually don't think it's right, but they thought it was right. And now immediately the press comes to their aid.

On "the marijuana":

I just put out a paper and first of all, medical marijuana has been amazing. I've had friends and I've had others and doctors telling me that it's been absolutely amazing, the medical marijuana. And we put out a statement that we can live with the marijuana.

As for the rest of the interview, it was dull. Like a broken record stuck on a track of grievances, Donald griped about of stolen elections and impending doom. His vision for America's future is returning to a past that never existed.

Donald ended the interview by stressing the need for more religion in the country, oblivious to the fact that his own behavior is the opposite of traditional religious values:

I mean, you know, if you're religious, you have, I think, a better feeling toward it, you know, you're supposed to go to heaven. Ideally, not hell, which is supposed to go to heaven if you're good. I think our country is missing a lot of religion.

I think it really was a much better place with religion. It it was some it was almost a guide, you know, to a certain extent, it was a guide. You want to be good to people without religion. There's no real, there are no guardrails.

I'd love to see us get back to religion, more religion in this country.

For you, not for him, of course.