Watch "The Strongest Man in the World" beat up the ocean

As summer ends, I always think about my favorite episode of my favorite kids' TV show, The Adventures of Pete & Pete. Titled "What We Did On Our Summer Vacation," the fourth episode of the first season opens with the unforgettable moment when Younger Pete and his personal superhero, Artie, the Strongest Man In The World, attempt to punch back the ocean waves to prolong the summer.

Of course, it's a futile battle, but that futility also feels like a pretty perfect metaphor for growing up.

But the rest of the episode really haunts me, as Older Pete and Ellen, a girl and a friend, try to stalk the local ice cream man, Mr. Tastee. As the days get shorter, the two possibly platonic teens spend their time searching for the answer to one of life's greatest mysteries: who, exactly, is this enigmatic entrepreneur who delivers such delightful treats to children and then promptly disappears until next summer?

There are a lot of things I genuinely love about The Adventures of Pete & Pete, but "What We Did On Our Summer Vacation" encapsulates all of them: quirky characters, the whimsical magic of suburban boredom, and of course, weird deep-cut celebrity cameos that go way over kids' heads—in this case, a frankly award-worthy performance by Michael Stipe from REM.

Things I miss: The Adventures of Pete and Pete