Living hybrids: AI art that captivates and unsettles

AI art doesn't usually spark my interest, but this surreal video titled Living Hybrids by The Bytepit caught my attention.

These striking images were created in Midjourney, retouched in Photoshop, and are some of my favorite AI images due to their clarity and weirdness. Theres also something creepy yet seductive about the images, which is what made me feel glued to looking at them although simultaneously feeling uncomfortable by their uncanny quality. 

The characters in the video are animal-human hybrids, with eyes so oddly realistic and full of emotion that I felt like they were peeking at me through the computer screen. My favorites are the cat-person and the goat-person. I've always felt torn about AI art as a medium, but regardless of how I feel about the medium itself, I thought this particular video was pretty fascinating due to the unsettling and hypnotic effect it had on me.

See also: Wyoming reporter is fired from paper after getting caught using AI