Michael "Dumas" Demel enjoys looking at photos taken by his trail cameras in rural Dubina, Texas.
"I have three different cameras at three different hunting areas – they catch coyote, deer, bobcats, rabbits, raccoons, foxes," he said.
Recently though, Demels spotted an animal he couldn't easily identify. Nor could anyone else. See for yourself below.
"I showed it to neighbours, family and friends," Demel said. "I got everything from a skin-walker, a monkey, a chupacabra, an alien. The craziest was a skin-walker – I had to look up what that even is."
As Pen News explains, a skin-walker is "described by the Navajo as a witch with the ability to disguise themselves as an animal."
Even the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department couldn't come up with an an answer.
"I reached out to our mammologist and due to the quality of the image a positive identification of the animal is not possible," said a spokesperson.
Aha! They didn't deny that it could be a skin-walker, chupacabra, or alien!
(via Coast to Coast)