Chaos unfolds when costumed amusement park characters run through a typhoon

When a typhoon hit this amusement park, the park's costumed characters went haywire in this hilariously chaotic video. A person wearing a full-body duck costume starts running full speed to get out of the rain, and the head of the duck begins flopping around as if the bird's neck has been broken. Meanwhile the person inside probably can't see where they're going.

When the duck's friend slips and falls, the duck runs back to check on him. The person's movements truly look like those of a frantic duck, and it's as if this rare moment at the amusement park somehow made everyone accidentally act even more in character.

I can't stop watching this video. Hopefully, they are both ok now and look back on this video and have a good laugh. 

See also: Arizona school teacher suspended for wearing a devil costume to school