Neighbors in apartment hallway conduct cockroach funeral

When a cockroach passed away in the hallway of this apartment building something unexpected, hilarious, and heartwarming happened. One of the neighbors made a little gravemarker for the roach on a piece of paper that said "RIP" and took a photo.

Next thing they knew, someone had added a few stones and a small plastic plant to decorate the roaches "grave". In the next photo, we see that another neighbor added a "wanted sign" for the murderer of a roach. The next photo shows that the roach is now part of many various narratives. The roach is now resting in his grave, an alleged murder victim, and is somehow running for mayor. A few photos later, there are even more signs and decorations added to the roaches gravesite, including a sign advertising a memorial concert that will be starring the Beatles.

This all seems like something straight out of a sitcom. Can I please live in this apartment building? This seems like the most fun hallway of neighbors to ever exist. 

See also: Press briefing comically interrupted by creepy visitor — as in a "rather large" cockroach (video)