Remember 2012's "Dumb Ways to Die?" It's an animated video created by Metro Trains in Melbourne, Victoria, to promote railway safety. With a catchy song and whimsical scenes of cute cartoon characters setting fire to their hair, poking a stick at a grizzly bear, eating expired medicine, and using private parts as piranha bait, the video went viral, amassing over 300 million views.
This Chinese workplace safety video [Warning — it's intense, with lots of screaming and moaning, but there's no blood or gore] lacks the appealing song and characters of "Dumb Ways to Die," but it has animated scenes of workers meeting unfortunate ends, and they are even more graphic. They include overinflating a tire, being ground up in a coal crusher, getting caught in an industrial lathe, falling through a warehouse roof, and more.
Prepare to wince, and prepare to learn how to be more careful.
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