Discover the easy way to preserve an abandoned spiderweb in a stylish black frame

See the fascinating process of how an abandoned spiderweb is preserved against a black frame. I never knew this was something one could easily do at home. Just make sure the spiderweb you use is abandoned, as taking a spider's active web would be cruel. It's satisfying to see the spiderweb finally caught by the black frame after the people in the video spend time carefully aligning the frame with the web and then swooping forward to capture it.

The video doesn't explain all the materials needed to do this, so I did my own research. Before preserving a web, you'll need to gather some supplies. These include clear spray adhesive or hairspray, a black frame or cardboard, tweezers (optional), and a soft brush or paintbrush.

Next, you'll have to find an old, inactive spiderweb. You can use tweezers to lift the web or swoop the frame directly onto it, as the video shows. Just make sure you spray the frame with adhesive first. When the web has dried on the frame, you can use your brush to gently wipe off any dust. You can then hang it in your home, and even put it behind glass to keep it extra safe.

With care, the preserved spiderweb will last for a long time! These would make great gifts as well as home decor.

See also: Listen to a spider web being constructed