Timelapse of rare Queen of the Night blooming

Watch a timelapse of a Queen of the Night flower's brief opening. Selenicereus grandiflorus is a cactus known for its flowers' sweet fragrance and stunning white blooms. The blooms open only onece per year, for just a few hours. Consider yourself lucky if you ever experience it in person. 

This cactus flower is native to the tropical Americas. The flowers typically bloom in late spring to early summer, opening just after sunset and wilting by dawn. The cactus part of the plant can grow pretty large, reaching heights of up to 20 feet in the wild. 

While the Queen of the Night can be grown outdoors in tropical regions, it is also a nice houseplant in cooler climates. To keep a Queen of the Night healthy requires well-draining soil and placing it in an area with plenty of sunlight during the day. Regular watering is essential during the growing season, but the plant should be allowed to dry out between waterings.

Personally, having one of these plants would be too anxiety-provoking for me. I would be up all night every night lest I miss the magic moment.

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