Trump thinks he is slyly hinting at his overt election steal plan

Having somehow still managed to shock us with their open racism, bigotry, and sexism, Trump used his rally to tell us he and MAGA Mike are planning something really special.

The Trump campaign hasn't seemed concerned with courting voters in a long time—their Presidential candidate talks about windmills, whale psychology, and golfer's junk. Their VP? He does his best to offend women and everyone who has met a woman. Why are they unconcerned about voters?

But during those 80 minutes Donald Trump made one statement that has constitutional law and other experts concerned.

Referencing Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, Trump said: "I think with our little secret we are gonna do really well with the House, our little secret is having a big impact, he and I have a secret, we will tell you what it is when the race is over."

Suggesting the comment was "potentially…sinister," Politico Playbook reported it "could be a reference to the House settling a contested election."

Historian Heather Cox Richardson in her popular Substack newsletter wrote: "It seems possible—probable, even—that Trump was alluding to putting in play the plan his people tried in 2020. That plan was to create enough chaos over the certification of electoral votes in the states to throw the election into the House of Representatives. There, each state delegation gets a single vote, so if the Republicans have control of more states than the Democrats, Trump could pull out a victory even if he had dramatically lost the popular vote."

"Since he has made virtually no effort to win votes in 2024," she added, "this seems his likely plan."


Legal Eagle covers how Trump's alleged plan to steal the election was supposed to work