I'm excited that there's now a full-length "Puppy Songs" album!

I'm a big fan of puppies, and songs, and songs about puppies, so I'm delighted that creator of "Puppy Songs," Matt Hobbs, recently released the first "Puppy Songs" album. Now instead of just listening to short 15-30 second clips on TikTok, I can hear the funny and sweet ditties in their entirety. 

Hobbs announced the album on his social media:

Dogs are the best. Over the past 5 years, I've made more than 200 songs about my 2 dogs: Leni, who's now 15 years young – and Mar Pup, who passed away earlier this year. And today we're releasing an album with 30 of those songs. It's an epic, musical celebration of all the reasons we love dogs. The way they attack every puppy walk with unbridled excitement. The way they demand cheese every time we're cooking. They way they miss you when you're away – and their jubilant celebrations when you return, even if you'd only been away for 2 minutes. The way their lips get stuck on their teefs – or how their tongues stick out a little bit sometimes. I could keep this list going – but it's my hope this collection of songs paints a more compelling picture than my rambling ever could 🐕🎶

The first ever Puppy Songs album is now available wherever you stream music. And a limited run of vinyl and CDs are in the works for later next year / early next year. Special thanks to @mattheathmusic for your incredible work co-producing, mixing, and mastering. And @nannerstudios for the amazing cover art. 

Thanks for coming along with us on this journey – especially those of y'all who've been with us since the early Pandemic days. Enjoy the tunes! We love y'all ❤️🤘

I've been streaming the album (and singing the catchy tunes to my doggos), which includes the following 30 bangers:

  • Puppy Walk
  • Stuck on My Teefs
  • Cheese Tax
  • Big Stretch
  • Amazon Man
  • What If It Was for Puppies?
  • Couch Indentation
  • Where the Heck is Mom?
  • Little Puppy in a Big Bed
  • Licking My Feets
  • Waiting for Mom to Come Home
  • When Mom Comes Home
  • Sleeping Like a Person
  • I'm Following Mom
  • Snooze Next to You
  • Outside Feets
  • Air Jail
  • Puppy on the Back of the Couch
  • Yard Patrol
  • Stand in the Doorway
  • Chihuahua Chihuahua
  • Please Rub My Belly
  • Never Gonna Poop on the Floor
  • Puppy in a Bag
  • Destroy My Toy
  • Blep
  • Charging Up
  • Keep Your Paws Polite
  • Spot for My Snoot
  • I Am a Puppy

They're all terrific, but I think "When Mom Comes Home" and "Stuck on My Teefs" are my favorites. How about you? Enjoy!