Scientific American editor-in-chief out after posting anti-MAGA rant

Whoever the next editor-in-chief of Scientific American turns out to be, they would be well-advised to make sure their criticisms of MAGA supporters aren't too spicy. Laura Helmuth resigned Thursday after posting, then deleting a furious rant about the "meanest, dumbest, most bigoted" voters and "fascists" who turned the White House over to right-wingers and conspiracy theorists.

Helmuth had apologized in a separate post, calling them "offensive and inappropriate" and that they don't "reflect the position" of Scientific American.

"I respect and value people across the political spectrum," Helmuth wrote. "These posts, which I have deleted, do not reflect my beliefs; they were a mistaken expression of shock and confusion about the election results."

The oldest continuously-published magazine in the U.S., for 179 years.

There's going to be some purging anywhere corporate and public-facing. If you are in that kind of place, it's time to review any six lines Cardinal Richelieu might find or have a plan for the hangman.

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