Is lip balm to blame for our chapped lips?

Is lip balm actually drying our lips out and causing us to become reliant on it? This is something I've heard many people say over the years. As a chapstick addict, I can't be persuaded to stop, but I am curious if the cause of my perpetually dry lips is from my constant chapstick use or perhaps just dehydration.

The BBC brings on experts to give their opinion on this hypothesis. Some say that no, chapstick isn't causing dry lips, and lips are just a sensitive part of the body that dry out easily. Another expert says that while all chapsticks won't dry out your lips, certain kids might, and then they go to recommend which chapsticks to look for at the store.

While its good to know to avoid certain chapsticks, making sure to stay hydrated is always a good idea too. I'm guilty of drinking way too much coffee and not enough water, so I have a hunch that this has something to do with my chronically chapped lips situation.

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