Freedom-hating Texas Attorney General sues Dallas for voter-approved measure to end pot arrests

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who never met a federal law he didn't want to defy, has suddenly discovered his inner control freak when it comes to what Texans can put in their own bodies.

Despite his constant chest-thumping about Texas sovereignty and telling the feds to mind their own business, Paxton is now throwing a legal tantrum over Dallas residents having the audacity to vote for their own marijuana policies. A whopping 67% of Dallas voters said "yes" to keeping cops out of their personal business, but apparently local democracy only counts when Paxton agrees with the outcome.

On Wednesday, the liberty-loathing AG filed a lawsuit against Dallas, joining his growing collection of legal crusades against Texas cities that dare to let their citizens make their own choices about pot.

According to Courthouse News Service, this is the same Paxton who earlier declared war on Austin, San Marcos, and other rebel cities for similar violations of his personal preferences. He accused these cities of creating "anarchy" — AKA peaceful citizens choosing not to arrest their neighbors over a plant.

"I will not stand idly by," declared Paxton, who's known for standing idly by for actual issues but who draws a hard line at voters deciding their own local policies.

Paxton's track record of selective law enforcement includes getting a sweet deal on his own fraud charges ($300k and a two-day ethics course), trying to snoop on women's medical records, and urging teachers to pack heat. But heaven forbid Texans decide for themselves about marijuana possession.

The courts have already shown Paxton the door in Austin and San Marcos, though he's not taking the hint. Meanwhile, he continues his crusade to ensure that Texas remains free — for him to decide how Texans may live.