These two Golden Retrievers, Mr. Tub and Blue, are equal parts hilarious, pathetic, and endearing, in their ongoing quest to figure out how to retrieve a ball that's only a few inches underwater. To the flummoxed pooches, though, the ball might as well be 20,000 leagues under the sea.
Their confusion about their precious underwater tennis balls is captured in video after video, posted on their social media accounts. If you need a laugh, go check them out, and watch as the delightfully baffled doggos try again and again to reach their tennis balls. Other dogs would simply put their snouts underwater and get the balls, but somehow that's a move that has, thus far, not entered the brains nor fetching repertoires of Mr. Tub and Blue. Bless their hearts.
See more of their hilarity on Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok.