There's a room-sized time capsule in Georgia that will be opened 6,098 years from now

In 1936, Georgia's Oglethorpe University president Dr. Thornwell Jacobs initiated the creation of the Crypt of Civilization, the world's oldest and largest time capsule. Located in Atlanta's Phoebe Hearst Hall, the vault was sealed on May 28, 1940, with instructions to remain unopened until May 28, 8113. It was originally a swimming pool in the basement of Phoebe Hearst Hall at Oglethorpe University, converted into an airtight chamber measuring 20 ft long, 10 ft high, and 10 ft wide.

Jacobs, sold metal cards for $1 that would allow descendants of contributors to attend the crypt's opening in 8113.

The Crypt of Civilization represents what Jacobs called "our archaeological duty" to provide future historians with a scientific and thorough snapshot of his era.

A plaque outside the Crypt reads:

This Crypt contains memorials of the civilization which existed in the United States and the world at large during the first half of the twentieth century. In receptacles of stainless steel, in which the air has been replaced by inert gasses, are encyclopedias, histories, scientific works, special editions of newspapers, travelogues, travel talks, cinema reels, models, phonograph records, and similar materials from which an idea of the state and nature of the civilization which existed from 1900 to 1950 can be ascertained. No jewels or precious metals are included. We depend upon the laws of the county of DeKalb, the State of Georgia, and the government of the United States and their heirs, assigns, and successors, and upon the sense of sportsmanship of posterity for the continued preservation of this vault until the year 8113, at which time we direct that it shall be opened by authorities representing the above governmental agencies and the administration of Oglethorpe University. Until that time we beg of all persons that this door and the contents of the crypt within may remain inviolate.

Among its unusual contents are:

  • A Donald Duck plastic toy
  • Budweiser beer preserved in special material
  • Voice recordings of Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and other 1930s leaders
  • The sound of a professional pig caller
  • An original manuscript of "Gone With the Wind"
  • A windmill to generate electricity so future generations could power the electronic devices stored inside, in case electricity wasn't in use in 8113.
  • A "Language Integrator" — a modified hand-operated movie projector designed to teach English to future civilizations, similar to a Rosetta Stone concept.

Bing Crosby was asked to be Master of Ceremonies at the opening in 8113 and replied he would do it if his filming schedule allowed.

[Via Wikipedia]

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