"Touron" knocked over and attacked by two irritated bucks — but was it really his fault? (video)

Two angry deer bullied a tourist who was seemingly minding his own business at what looks like Nara Park — Japan's famous deer park.

The gentleman, wearing a large blue backpack, was simply snapping a picture of someone sitting on a rock, when one of the bucks charged him from behind, aiming its antlers squarely in the man's buttocks. As the man was falling down, the second buck got in on the action, charging him with another poke for good measure. Ouch! (See video below.)

Although footage of the attack was posted on Instagram's Tourons of National Parks ("touron" as in tourist + moron), in this case it might not have been entirely the guy's fault. It's hard to tell. The park, home to at least 1,200 wild deer (if this is indeed Nara), encourages folks to get close to the animals by feeding them special "deer crackers" that the park sells. Combine this with rutting season — and the fact that some of these hangry deer might not like those who don't offer up the goods — and you're bound to see deer attacks like this one (and the 35 others that occurred at this tourist spot in September alone!).

Previously: Elk is in no mood for a crowd of Colorado tourists — so she bites off the tip of young boy's finger