Watch as a Democrat screams into the wind

Massachusetts Congressperson Jim McGovern is unhappy with Trump's cabinet picks.

Complaints that Donald Trump is turning the White House and the US Federal Government into a repeat of the reality television show he was fired from for racism will probably fall flat in the US House of Representatives. This stuff is fine, but the re-election of Chuck Schumer as the Senate's Democratic leader shows we're likely in for four more years of tepid resistance unless Leader Jeffries steps things up in the House.

Rep. McGovern: "It looks like the requirements to be in the Trump White House are that you either abuse women or you're an out of touch billionaire. What's next — are they gonna replace FBI background checks with a Fox News screen test?"

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— Aaron Rupar ( December 4, 2024 at 9:49 AM

Senate Democrats boycott Trump cabinet confirmation hearings