For a while there, you couldn't be blamed for thinking this movie would never come out. Snow White, the latest in Disney's bizarre initiative to remake as many of its classic movies as soulless "live-action" CGI-fests, has been mired in controversy from the jump. Whether it's Peter Dinklage criticizing the movie as reductive for its treatment of the seven dwarves (which are left out of the title this time) or right-wing culture warriors getting mad that Snow White isn't… well, white, the amount of heat directed at this film in particular has been staggering.
Add that to the rounds of reshoots the movie has gone through, and it seemed a not unlikely prospect that Disney would just kill the movie as a tax write-off. Against all odds, though, a full-length trailer has finally been debuted, and it looks… fine.
Well, no, it looks terrible, but it isn't even bad in a way that's fun to pick at. It just looks like every other one of these live-action Disney remakes – bland, CGI-heavy; a redo of a story everyone knows already with all of the stylization surgically removed. The frustrating part is not being able to voice that opinion without getting lumped in with the alt-right weirdos – no, really, guys, I hate the movie for different reasons. In any case, we'll see what the final result is (or, more, likely, we won't) when the movie releases this March.