Visualize the popularity of your name over the years

This baby name visualizer aligns oversized versions of the letters in your name to a graph of the popularity of the name over time.

I was having a conversation recently about how every third girl in my class as a kid was named Jennifer, and every fourth boy was named Jason. I can't remember the last time I met someone with either of those names that wasn't my age.

My name peaked well before I was born and has flatlined since. I guess I knew this since the only other person I have ever known with the same name is the person I am named after.

Also, people are still naming their kids Khaleesi, which is wrong on multiple levels.

The tool has data from the United States and France. You can adjust the colors, remove the graph, and download the image as a PNG.

Previously: Find out when your name was popular with Baby Name Explorer app

via Flowing Data