Discover the friendship tree duet phone booth in Kawasaki: a whimsical, double-receiver experience

This rare double-receiver phone booth in Kawasaki, Japan, was brought to my attention by Atlas Obscura. This unique phone booth is known as the Friendship Tree Duet Phone.

Using this phone booth looks like such a fun experience. It achieves a similar thing as when you merge calls on an iphone so that three people can talk at once. The difference is that this phone is both whimsical and adorable in a way that an iphone could never be.

From Atlas Obscura:

This unique device commemorates 100 years of Nippon Telephone & Telegraph, and sits inside a charming tree-shaped structure that looks straight out of Animal Crossing. If you want to make a call, bring a friend and some coins or a telephone card.

See also: Fish-filled phone booth in Japan