Thieves return rug to CA's famed Madonna Inn

Stealing the famed Madonna Inn's welcome mat seems to have become a local tradition among young men who want the excitement of stealing a welcome mat.

Young men with little fear of reprisal have taken to stealing the welcome mat from a famed novelty hotel. This time, the hotel got fed up and offered a whopping $500 reward for information that'd lead to the arrest of the thieves. Perhaps feeling the heat, the thieves returned the rug via mail, causing the hotel to stand down for the time being. Maybe next time don't use Mommy's truck.

In a Facebook post, Madonna Inn general manager Connie Pearce offered $500 upon the rug's return and the identification of the thieves — two people in their "late teens or early twenties" wearing black sweatshirts and medical masks who ran in and stole the rug before leaving the scene in a silver pickup.

"We thought it might be a local fraternity, but we can't confirm that. I can say that it is always boys, between the ages of 20-25. They come in pairs and always have a getaway car waiting for them," Rich said.

After reporting the theft to the police, police identified the owner of the truck, who they assumed was the mother of one of the thieves. The woman refused to provide the police with any further information, according to the Tribune.

SF Gate

'Pink Caftans on Parade' at Madonna Inn