This guy has mastered the art of hiding coins. In this funny yet impressive video, a man conceals a coin in a tangerine, which is then sealed inside of an egg shell (using paint and sculpting material to make the egg look perfectly whole again), which is then concealed inside of an apple that is made to look untouched, which is then put inside a wall, which is finally patched up to look untouched.
If you need to hide some coins, you can copy this guy's method to ensure that your spare change is safe. I personally use a small coin purse to hold my spare change, but each to their own.
I wish I could see into the future, when this wall gets torn down, and the fruit is discovered, which I assume would be half rotten, and half intact where the paint and sculpting material was placed. I'm sure the person who finds it will be quite bamboozled, especially when they see the coin at the center of it all.
See also: Three sisters inherit a dime — and they sell it for over $500,000