Oregon city would like people to stop putting googly eyes on artwork

The city of Bend, Oregon, posted on its Instagram page, requesting that residents to stop putting googly eyes on public art. While conceding that they are amusing, the city claims that removing them damages the outdoor artwork.

Using an objectively hilarious photo of a deer and fawn with enormous googly eyes may have been a miscalculation on the city's part.

Most comments on the post are firmly in the pro-googly eye camp:

"Scotch tape will damage this art that endures summer weather and winter storms" – y'all are gonna get roasted on this one

What is it like in the office there? You are all sitting around thinking, "we really need to do something about these googly eyes. They are out of hand. We can't have this." Lol. And no one makes fun of you??? 😂

Thank God we fixed all the bs problems like homelessness, wild fires, food insecurity and we can now focus on the most important task of all. Googly eyes.

Googly eyes make everything better, even trash.

Previously: I buy googly eyes in bulk
• Googly eyes improve Tesla's Cybertruck
• Googly eyes can help sell 'ugly' produce
• Against all evidence, city of Savannah claims googly eyes glued to Revolutionary War statue are 'not funny'
• Meet a googly-eyed cuttlefish