DC cop convicted for tipping off Proud Boys about police operations

Lt. Shane Lamond, the DC cop who thought his job monitoring extremist groups meant becoming their biggest groupie, has been found guilty of leaking police secrets to his BFF Enrique Tarrio of the Proud Boys.

Our hero in blue spent his time sliding into Tarrio's DMs like a lovestruck teenager, warning him about arrest warrants. "Of course I can't say it officially, but personally I support you all and don't want to see your group's name and reputation dragged through the mud," Lamond gushed to Tarrio. Nothing says "law enforcement excellence" quite like tipping off the very people you're supposed to be monitoring.

Judge Amy Berman Jackson convicted the former lieutenant on all counts after what must have been the world's most cringe-worthy bench trial, reports AP. The nadir? Tarrio's testimony, which the judge called "flippant, grandiose and obnoxious" — making him "one of the worst I've had the opportunity to sit next to during my tenure on the bench."

What's next for Lamond, who put his fellow cops lives in danger by leaking information to the Proud Boys? The possibilities are endless when you're failing upward in MAGA America. After the customary Trump pardon (coming January 2025) he'll either snag a plum appointment to head a federal agency or he'll land that sweet One America News Network gig as their new "Law Enforcement Expert" where he can explain how actually it's Antifa infiltrating police departments that's the real threat to America.

The Metropolitan Police Department, meanwhile, is clutching its pearls and expressing shock — SHOCK — that one of their own might have gone rogue. They're promising a thorough internal investigation, right after they finish investigating why water is wet.

D.C. police lieutenant charged with leaking law enforcement information to Proud Boys