Magnus Carlsen, the world's top-rated chess player, quit the rapid and blitz world championship in New York City last week after it ejected him for wearing jeans—part of a recently-imposed dress code that has already found controversy for predictable reasons. The dress code has been adapted to Carlsen's sartorial preferences and he will again participate.
The International Chess Federation (FIDE) has now relaxed its dress code to allow "elegant minor deviations". Those deviations "may, in particular, include appropriate jeans matching the jacket", the new rules state. Carlsen was defending his titles at the Fide World Rapid and Blitz Chess Championships in New York when he was told to change his trousers.
There are maybe three truly famous chess players on this Earth and only one of them competes. Rex iudicat.
I know you're wondering; the policy is silent on the matter of vibrating anal beads. So long as they are not hammering your prostate with morse-encoded stockfish move recommendations, you're good to go.