Don Jr wishes he could skip daddy's NYE party

Tired of being treated like a "freaking imbecile," Don Jr wishes he had some other family ties.

After years of attending his father's New Year's Eve party at their Florida supper club, Don Jr would instead opt out. People offer him their opinions and make suggestions like his father not tweet stupid or offensive things. This turns Junior off, and he discusses that he'd take his party elsewhere if he had any elsewhere to go.

"Now it's sort of like amateur night," the president-elect's son complained. "I get to be around a thousand drunk people giving me their political opinions that I don't necessarily want to hear."

"While I love Mar-a-Lago, it's sort of like, you know, the, you know, by about midnight when everyone's like, you know, 12 beers deep or whatever it is they're drinking, you know, the close talking opinions."

Trump said he would rather be hunting or fishing.

"This'll be like year, like nine of, 'Hey, you know, have you ever thought to maybe have your dad not tweet that?'" he griped. "I'm like, no, I've never thought that 'cause I'm a freaking imbecile."


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