As avian flu spreads, backyard chicken groups share conspiracy theories

We are currently witnessing the growing spread of H5N1 avian flu across the globe. Here in the United States, the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service has been tracking the spread of H5N1 in commercial and backyard flockswild birds, mammals, and livestock. So far, millions of animals (and counting) have been affected. Forbes reports that since 2021, 280 million birds have died of H5N1, and approximately 127,470,312 poultry have been affected across 50 states (the Forbes article isn't clear about whether the 280 million figure includes the 127 million poultry or is in addition to that number). Forbes also reports that nearly 900 herds of cattle in 16 states have been infected, and dozens of felids (big cats) in wildlife sanctuaries and zoos have died, as well as several domestic cats. Forbes also cites the deaths of dogs, goats, alpacas, polar bears, penguins, elephant seals, fur seals, and many more.

Humans are also beginning to be infected—according to the CDC, there were 66 confirmed human cases in 2024 (37 in CA, 10 in CO, 1 in IA, 1 in LA, 2 in MI, 1 in MO, 1 in OR, 1 in TX, 11 in WA, and 1 in WI). Of the 66 total, 63 were exposed through commercial agriculture and related operations, including 40 who worked with dairy herds and 23 who worked with poultry farms and culling operations. 1 case is classified as "other animal exposure," meaning they had come in contact with "other animals such as backyard flocks, wild birds, or other mammals" and the final 2 cases were classified as "exposure source unknown".  The CDC reports that there have also been 7 additional human cases (3 in WA and 2 in AZ, all connected to commercial poultry exposure; 1 in CA connected with commercial dairy cattle exposure; and 1 in DE with an unknown source) that are deemed "probable" by the CDC, which happens when a person tests positive for avian flu at a local lab but the CDC is unable to confirm the infection.  

The deaths of domestic cats, including these most recent cases in LA County, have been linked to raw pet food tainted with H5N1, which has led to several recent recalls. Several weeks ago, the FDA ordered testing of the U.S. milk supply for H5N1, beginning with CA, CO, MI, MS, OR, and PA. And the FDA just announced that it will begin testing cheese made from raw milk, citing concerns that the cheese might be contaminated with the virus. While most of the human cases of H5N1 have been relatively mild, in December, Louisiana reported the first severe human case of bird flu in the United States, in a patient who had been exposed to sick and dead birds in a backyard chicken flocks. 

In May 2024, the CDC website posted an article with advice for backyard chicken owners about how to protect themselves and their birds from H5N1, including a graphic showing the correct personal protective equipment to wear and the following instructions:

If birds in your flock have avian (bird) influenza (flu) A virus infection, or you suspect they might, take the following actions to protect yourself:

Don't touch sick or dead birds, their feces or litter, or any surface or water source (for example, ponds, waterers, buckets, pans, troughs) that might be contaminated with their saliva, feces, or any other bodily fluids without wearing personal protective equipment (PPE).

Wear PPE when around sick or dead birds.

As best as possible, during depopulation and while cleaning and disinfecting contaminated premises, avoid stirring up dust, bird waste, and feathers to prevent virus from dispersing into the air.

Given this context, in which H5N1 is ramping up and where health agencies and experts are beginning to sound the alarm that we aren't reacting fast enough, you might think that folks with backyard chickens would be heeding the warnings and being extra careful right about now. But boy oh boy would you be wrong, sadly.

I have spent the last week or so scrolling through backyard chicken groups all over social media—Reddit, TikTok, Facebook—and what I've seen is disturbing. I've read post after post about sick chickens, and I've seen video after video showing chickens that are vomiting or having diarrhea, having trouble walking, coughing and having trouble breathing, and more. And while, thankfully, some folks in the community are providing warnings to take H5N1 seriously, wear PPE, and isolate sick birds, others are severely downplaying the virus and its potential threat to animals and humans. Many people are bringing their sick chickens into their homes to cuddle, and some people are posting photos where they're kissing their sick chickens on their beaks. In a recent post on backyard chicken group on Facebook, someone stated that they are immunocompromised and asked for advice about whether they should get some backyard chickens this spring, or if they should wait to see if "this whole avian flu will die down by then."

While some people responded with sound advice, warning about the dangers of H5N1, the majority of the responses were horrifyingly anti-science and pro-conspiracy theory. Here are a few gems (all are direct quotes):

  • I have 4 autoimmune illnesses and kiss my girls goodnight, hand feed them, cuddle them and also the same for my cats. I'd rather die happy feeling happy and loved than alone and in fear.
  • I have leukemia and my doctors are always harping about how bad it'd be if I got an infection but in my five years since diagnosis I don't get sick more often than other people and when I do I don't feel like it's really all that much longer.
  • Honestly doctors want to wrap us up in cottonwool and stop us from hurting ourselves and I understand it. Not unless you live in a really high risk area for avian flu, I really don't think it be an issue it's been around for so long. I really love going our and giving my "babies" their treats and at night them on the roosting bars, I have one she has jumped into my arms a few times for her hug as she just can't wait for me to finish counting them. They will make you feel so much joy. I'd tell anyone who is thinking about it to get them.
  • I don't want to make things worse, but I'm leaning toward seeing virology as a pseudo-science. Louis Pasteur recanted his germ & contagion theory privately before he died, in favor of Andre Beauchamp's "Terrain Theory". Boiled down, this simply means we get "flu" because we're nutrionaly deficient, have parasites, or have been exposed to toxic substances &/or frequencies . . . I've also gone down the rabbit hole about how the medical establishment got corrupted at it's foundation, mostly by the profit motive. Also, don't buy feed from corporate franchise providers. Look for a reputable feed store out county, away from the big city, if you can. Hope that helps.
  • Hi! I'm immunocompromised, I have chickens. I'm not worried. I have a port & get infusions at home too. So, sometimes my port is accessed & I handle my birds, feed/water them, chase/catch them, pet them… its all up to you. 
  • It's life, sometimes we get sick.
  • If you turn off the TV and stay off social media, you'll be just fine . . 
  • Get your chickens. This avian bird flu thing is just another scare invisible enemy to stifle the new incoming administration. They're using the same faulty over amplified test as they did for Covid .
  • I have a video i found about the bird flu being made in labs. But it's hard to tell anymore what's conspiracy or fact. I try to just continue to wash my hands and go on, what else can we do right.
  • It's going to last for as long as people continue to pay attention to msm and hysterical, over reacting people.
  • I seriously don't pay any attention to all the virus propaganda. We've had viruses for decades. A virus is basically anything the medical field doesn't have an answer for. So, I practice good hygiene, breathe fresh air and go on my way. If I get sick, it's feed a cold and water a fever.
  • Ummm, the Plandemic??? Live your life!!! No need to change your life for the nonsense!
  • Who is seeing dead birds everywhere except for what the media says??
  • You should start having chickens yesterday. Don't listen to the propaganda cause its designed to make you stop living. Dont stop living, creating, growing because of fear.

So there you have it, folks. Buckle up, because this is only going to get worse when the raw-milk-loving administration takes office in mere weeks.

If you want to see some screenshots or videos of folks in various backyard chicken groups discussing their sick chickens, there are some great threads herehere, and here. You can also go onto any social media platform and search "backyard chickens" and easily find tons of examples.

CDC-recommended PPE if you have sick chickens in your backyard flock. screengrab from CDC website,