Kid jumps on dangerous manhole and falls right through

In a bizarre turn of events, a kid who jumped on a dangerous manhole ended up looking like a real-life Mario character from a Nintendo game. I have a feeling that when he jumped on the pothole, he may have actually been pretending he was Mario. I can't imagine how shocked he must have been when he actually fell through.

Luckily, a few adults were with him who quickly pulled him out and back to safety. From this short clip, he looks unharmed but in disbelief. Hopefully this manhole lid was fixed and is now safer to walk on!

Usually, manhole covers are designed to be durable and safe enough to withstand heavy traffic, so this one definitely had something wrong with it if it came loose from a kid jumping on it. I've heard of manholes exploding before, but have never heard of someone falling into one. The way the manhole flips around as the kid falls through makes it look even more like something from a cartoon.

See also: Machida, Japan, celebrates creator of Pokémon with cute manhole covers

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