Already $17.9 billion in, Sam Altman confident good things are coming from OpenAI

Hopefully, there is enough energy in the universe to power all the GPUs that OpenAI plans to buy from Nvidia, seeking to answer the question, "What should we do with all these GPUs?"

Sam Altman is now confident his team can develop the AI to replace us all. He can not be confident about the energy, space, and cooling it'll all take to get there. If OpenAI is burning between $700k and $1,000,000 daily to search and summarize the web for us, how much energy will these AGI need? More than a Big Mac.

On Sunday, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman offered two eye-catching predictions about the near-future of artificial intelligence. In a post titled "Reflections" on his personal blog, Altman wrote, "We are now confident we know how to build AGI as we have traditionally understood it." He added, "We believe that, in 2025, we may see the first AI agents 'join the workforce' and materially change the output of companies."
