If you need a laugh today, check out this extra fluffy little gray doggo who has a hilarious way of demanding treats. The adorable pooch—who is featured on a TikTok account called "Furry Bites"—absolutely adores apples, chicken jerky, and chicken breast, and asks for them by ferociously baring their itty bitty cutie toofers. And in this video the funny doggo even throws in a terrifying "growl" to really bring the point home.
The results are ridiculously cute and end in success every time. Some of the comments on the videos perfectly capture the vibe: "what an adorable lil weirdo!", "drop it in!", "Do you know what's great about this? It gets better the 32nd time you watch it", and "like a seal waiting for a fish."
The doggo, who seems to go by the name "Birddog," is some kind of fluffball, perhaps a Bichon Frisé or a poodle mix. Whatever they are, they are absolutely precious, and I can't stop watching their beautiful smile!
Check out Birddog's hilarious teeth-baring "feed me!" videos here.