This hodgepodge of animal bones became a legendary cryptid

Hundreds of years ago, a hodgepodge of incomplete animal skeletons were arranged together into what is now called the "Magdeburg Unicorn". This bizarre beast is made from a rhino skull, mammoth legs, and a narwhal horn. At the time, the people who assembled it thought all the bones were from one creature. 

Wilfried Wittkowsky (CC BY-SA 3.0)

In 1663, the various animal skeletons were discovered and then inspected by physicist and mayor of Magdeburg, Otto von Guericke. They were cobbled together into something that looks like a unicorn with legs that go all the way up to its neck, and no other limbs. The handsome devil now stands in the Museum of Natural History Magdeburg.

Sometimes, a mistake is a good thing because of the laughter it brings. This silly looking unicorn creature fits into that category. There are days when I'd much rather see this than an accurately assembled animal skull. 

From Atlas Obscura: "The unicorn is part of the permanent exhibition of the Museum of Natural History Magdeburg, and can be found just up the main stairs."

See also: Unicorn on a Roll: more comics in the tradition of Calvin and Hobbes