A pair of alleged thieves in Mulberry, Florida, devised and executed the perfect gameplan: while one swept the aisles of $500 worth of cleaning products, the other created a distraction by defecating on the floor. Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd reported the incident on social media: "We….kid you not."
At around noon on December 18th, two people walked into the Family Dollar store at 2170 Bailey Rd, Mulberry, and commenced to thievery. The suspects were a man and a woman, and the played different roles as they conspired in their retail theft. Very different roles. The man walked around the store gathering nearly $500 worth of merchandise (like lots of Gain, Tide, and Clorox products) whilst the woman caused a distraction for employees by using the restroom…without going to the restroom. The floor was her restroom. And an employee had to clean that…stuff up.
Authorities have branded the pair "Mr. Clean" and "Ms. Dookie." Anyone willing to share information can contact Detective Hannon at 863-499-2400 or RHannon@polksheriff.org.
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