A talented corgi named Dash used to spend his days hurling toys at his humans. Until he took up the piano and became a busker in New York City.
Playing tunes on a pet-size piano, the pup now keeps busy drawing a large crowd at Central Park and other outdoor spaces as he shows off his musical skills. But he doesn't work for free. As the sign in front of his piano says, "Will play for treats." (See video below, posted by dash_and_furrious.)
How it works: place a treat under the piano lid, and after the pup paws a few notes, his snack will drop to the ground in front of him. And yes, the songs are pre-programmed so that the doggo can't make a mistake, but shh! What he doesn't know won't hurt him.
Previously: Corgi is a toy-tossing machine, hitting everyone and everything he can (video)