Nancy Mace melts down on House floor and tries to fight Jasmine Crockett: "Want to take it outside!" (video)

Representative Nancy Mace threw a tantrum today on the House Floor after colleague Jasmine Crockett called her a "child." And then, acting like a child, the triggered lawmaker challenged Crockett to a fight.

Mace's juvenile outburst came while Crockett was addressing Mace's constant attack on the trans community. "Somebody's campaign coffers really are struggling right now," Crockett said. "So she's going to keep saying 'trans, trans, trans' so that people will feel threatened. And child, listen…"

"I am no child!" Mace shouted over Crockett, who was trying to finish her sentence. "Do not call me a child! I am no child! Don't even start, I am a grown woman, 47 years old. … I am not a child! I am not a child!"

"If you want to take it outside, we can do that!" the childish lawmaker added, insinuating the two Congresswomen fight — which seems like a terrible idea, being that just last month, the MAGA snowflake claimed she was "physically accosted" after award-winning youth advocate, James McIntyre, merely shook hands with her. (Mace even had McIntyre arrested!)

But back to being called a "child," we now all know where Mace's button is, and it's sure going to be hard not to press it. As the old saying goes, if the saddle shoe fits, wear it — and the Congresschild wears it well.

(See video below, posted by The Tennessee Holler.)

WATCH: "I'm not a child! Let's fight outside!" 🤡 triggers Nancy Mace hard when she says she's targeting trans people to fill her campaign accounts. (Crockett stays deliciously unbothered)

The Tennessee Holler ( 2025-01-14T22:31:15.471Z