Play Tetris inside a PDF

Given the power of the PDF engines in current desktop Web browsers, Thomas Rinsma created a version of Tetris that can be played within a PDF itself: PDFTRIS

The idea came about when Rinsma "realized that the PDF engines of modern desktop browsers (PDFium and PDF.js) support JavaScript with enough I/O primitives to make a basic game like Tetris," he commented on Hacker News.

"It was a bit tricky to find a union of features that work in both engines, but in the end it turns out that showing/hiding annotation 'fields' works well to make monochrome pixels, and keyboard input can be achieved by typing in a text input box."

Learn more about PDFTRIS here.

• Analog Tetris — the homemade cardboard version
• 16 year-old Tetris master first to get NES classic to loop to beginning
• Tetris on the 1989 Sharp Wizard