Watch a stunning octopus squeeze itself into a tiny hole in the sand and disappear. I'd never guess that a creature as large as this Octopus could fit through such a narrow opening. Next time I see a hole in the sand, this video will definitely come to mind. Watching the octopus do this is like watching a magic trick!
Here are some octopus facts:
– An octopus has three hearts. Two of them pump blood to the gills, and the third pumps it to the rest of the body.
– Most octopuses have a relatively short lifespan, living only 1 to 3 years, depending on the species.
-Octopuses are soft-bodied, meaning they don't have bones or a rigid skeleton. This allows them to squeeze through incredibly small spaces (which explains the video). As long as an octopus can fit its beak (the only hard part of their body) through a small space, it can slip through almost anything!
See also: Would you try this octopus chocolate chip cookie, or these chicken skin fried pickles?