Before the Internet, most information about psychedelics came by "finding the others" or seeking out obscure scientific papers and clandestine chemistry cookbooks, the latter of which frequently have a wonderful DIY 'zine-like quality to them. The newest addition to my small collection of this psychedelic ephemera is the beautiful "Psychedelic Guide to Preparation of the Eucharist," first published in 1971 by the Linga Sharia Incense Co. The listed editors of this enchanting booklet were Robert E. Brown and Associates of the Neo American Church League for Spiritual Development along with The Ultimate Authority of the Clear Light.
Inside is detailed information about the phenomenology of the psychedelic experience, dosage information, and how to cultivate or produce the substances yourself. Drugs covered include marijuana, peyote, psilocybin-containing mushrooms, STP, and, of course, LSD. A few of the pages can be seen below.
While original copies are rare and costly, the Internet Archive has generously scanned and posted the whole shebang for your digital edification: The Psychedelic Guide to Preparation of the Eucharist: in a few of its many guises
Just say know.

• A magician-psychologist designed a study to trick sober participants into thinking they were tripping on psychedelics
• Ancient psychedelic wisdom for modern medicine
• Netflix's 4-part adaptation of Michael Pollan's book on psychedelics, 'How to Change Your Mind'