Senator from North Carolina a newly minted expert on fighting California wildfires

Senator Ted Budd of North Carolina, a leader of a State devastated by hurricane-strength winds, suggests better leadership could have stopped the devastation caused by hurricane-strength winds in another state he doesn't like. Budd appears to be a pretty shitty leader to me.

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The need by the right to politicize California's wildfires is beyond disgusting. It isn't baffling or confusing because these people are assholes. While folks in other states threaten and abuse FEMA workers, Californians will welcome them, as usual.

"It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it." — Upton Sinclair, I, Candidate for Governor: And How I Got Licked

Trump diverts millions from FEMA for ICE detentions, calls Puerto Rico 'unsung success'
Three New Yorkers are suing Trump and FEMA to stop 'Presidential Alert' messaging
Threats against hurricane emergency workers out of control on social media