Leni, of Puppy Songs fame, crosses the Rainbow Bridge

I have some terrible news, friends. If you're a fan of puppies, and of Puppy Songs, those brilliant puppy-themed tunes created by Matt Hobbs that we just cannot get enough of here at Boing Boing, you no doubt know Leni, the adorable black and white Chihuahua with the cutest snaggletooth on the planet.

Sadly, Leni crossed the rainbow bridge on Saturday, January 11, and she's going to leave a giant hole in the hearts of all of her fans.

Leni's human dad, Matt Hobbs, shared the heartbreaking news on his Instagram, writing "Love you forever, sweet Leni" and explaining, while choking back tears:

I hoped I'd never have to do this. But I wanted to tell you that my dog Leni passed away on Saturday. She'd had a really long year. And it was her time. She went out on her terms. And we loved her a lot. I'm so sorry to have to tell you this. I know so many of y'all cared for her the way we did, and she gave us so much while she was here. But she's with Mar now, and all the other puppies who have gone before her, and that's where we're at.

I'm gonna miss her so much! Leni–I know you're up there, reunited with Mar, doing the absolute best Yard Patrol for your new digs. Thank you for all the sweet memories and for making this world a better place! And thank you, Matt and Mahm, for sharing the gift of Leni with all of us.

Enjoy my favorite Puppy Song video featuring Leni, "Stuck on My Teefs" (and here's the long version if you want to hear the whole thing).

Go see lots more Leni on the Puppy Songs Instagram.