The bizarre toy of the day is this ear shaped toy that allows users to remove fake acne blackheads from it with a pair of tweezers. I'm unsure of the brand of the toy featured in the video, but here's a similar toy on Amazon. If you're looking for a prank gift, or think this looks like loads of fun, it will cost you $12.
I've seen pimple popping toys that are like this, except fake white pimple goo comes out of the toy when you squeeze certain parts of it. I like this toy better than those, because they gross me out a bit too much, whereas this one is only mildly disgusting.
The caption of the video calls this toy a "stress relief toy". It looks more fun to me than a fidget spinner. I'm personally not going to spend my money on this toy, but if someone gave me one as a gift I would accept it into my life.
See also: Jibba Jabba was a toy you played with by violently shaking its neck