TikTok allows U.S. users on again after Trump promises to block ban with executive order

It's not who is in charge now that matters, but who will be in charge tomorrow. After president-elect Donald Trump promised to issue an executive order blocking the ban imposed on TikTok by Congress (and found constitutional last week by the Supreme Court), the site allowed U.S. users back on today. It had gone dark this morning after the ban's provisions came into effect.

"In agreement with our service providers, TikTok is in the process of restoring service," TikTok said in a post on X. "We thank President Trump for providing the necessary clarity and assurance to our service providers that they will face no penalties providing TikTok to over 170 million Americans and allowing over 7 million small businesses to thrive."

The outgoing Biden administration said it had no plans to enforce the unpopular ban, but TikTok, with tens of millions of "active" users in the U.S., was taking no chances—and perhaps wanted to make a point.