Vintage 1967 Sony tape recorder ad: 18-pound camera and recorder pack goes 'anywhere you go' – a look at retro technology

This vintage Sony Tape Recorder Ad from 1967 boasts about their new videotape recorder that "goes anywhere you go". I definitely take the ease of my iphone camera for granted.

This Sony camera and recorder pack weigh 18 pounds together. 

I'd like to see how the guy in the ad would have climbed into that tree with such a heavy device, and without scaring the birds he's filming out of the nest. My back hurts just thinking about carrying this recorder around in place of today's cameras. If these were back on the market today, though, I have a feeling they might become trendy amongst hipsters.

This old technology does look fun to experiment with, though, and If I had one I'd be playing with it. I just couldn't bring myself to carry it farther than my backyard. Hooray for the lightweight cameras of today. 

See also: Simple camera trick for cooler photos