1950s lipstick tester covered in kiss marks

These photos from the 1950s, shared by Vintage Everyday, show photos of the incredible time a "Lipstick Tester" is having. The role of the lipstick tester was to simply sit in a chair while a group of women kissed his cheeks and forehead to see how the lipstick would transfer. In the last photo, you can see the guy's head covered completely in kissy marks.

Everyone in this photo looks like they're having so much fun. The ladies are all laughing and smiling, while the lipstick tester looks like he's in heaven, and has a giant grin on his face. This must have been the silliest and most fun day at the lipstick factory. 

I'm glad someone got this fun moment on camera. These photos are priceless. Are lipstick companies still taking applications for a tester who gets to do this? 

See also: Bizarre lipstick TV commercial from 1964