Fortnite's Godzilla battle is chaotic fun

Proving anything can happen on the Fortnite island, Godzilla is stomping around and letting loose his trademark screech.

The designers at Epic put the effort in with Godzilla. The sound and feel are excellent. You may have to play many games to see Godzilla spawn, but get ready to rumble once it happens. A portal opens randomly around the map, and the first player becomes the giant, angry lizard. Everyone else, except their squadmates, becomes the victim. Stomps, screeches, and the scorching heat-ray belch are all in his arsenal. King Kong sometimes shows up in the pre-game to drop some extra powerful weapons, but isn't joining the fray.

Some teams focus on Godzilla, some teams focus on the people fighting him. Its massive chaos, and a lot of fun. Hitting the glowing purple spots on the titan will get you a lot of extra damage. The player who damages Godzilla most gets some special rewards.

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