Mushrooms better at playing keyboard than famed cat

I can't get enough of this video showing mushrooms playing the keyboard. I've seen videos of various fruits and vegetables making noise through sensors before, but never one like this. In this video, the mushrooms, growing from a bag, are connected through sensors and servos to drumsticks, making it look like they're banging out a tune on a keyboard. It's one of the greatest things I've ever seen.

This is a mushroom playing keyboard for her friends in the mushroom farm. The attached sensors measure electrical fluctuations in the mushroom. The fluctuations are converted into signals that control the mushroom's bionic arms. The keyboard plays a synth in Ableton.

I find it cool how the mushroom in this video looks a bit like a brain. The mushroom is also, embarrassingly, a much better musician than I am. I would buy the whole album if the shroom ever decides to release one. 

From YouTube: "This is a mushroom playing keyboard for her friends in the mushroom farm. The attached sensors measure electrical fluctuations in the mushroom. The fluctuations are converted into signals that control the mushroom's bionic arms. The keyboard plays a synth in Ableton."

See also: How I learned to think like a mushroom