Gözde Doğan breaks world record by crushing 5 watermelons with her thighs in 1 minute

The record for the most watermelons crushed by someone's thighs in one minute is 5. This incredible display of strength was accomplished by Gözde Doğan on February 5th, 2024. You can see the video of this world record being set if it sounds too unbelievable to be true. 

I can barely carry a watermelon from my car to my fridge due to my fragile wrists, so I am quite impressed by Doğan's ability to crush 5 melons in just one minute with her legs. I definitely could not do this if my life depended on it. This looks both painful and cold, but it's a great way to crack open a melon if you're strong enough and don't have a knife on hand. 

I'd like to know if there are any determined competitors out there, currently trying to crush more than 5 melons in under a minute with their thighs. I have a feeling that Doğan will be this record holder for a quite a while, if not forever. Congratulations to her!

See also:  Behold the hand-crocheted watermelon themed bikini