In this cool video, we learn the survival skill of filtering sediment from muddy water with a paper towel and some cups. The way this is done is by draping a paper towel from a cup of muddy water into an empty cup, placed at a lower level. The water will begin to separate from the sediment and drain into the lower cup. If you repeat this again into another cup, most of the sediment will be gone. You can repeat the process until the water looks clear.
It's crucial to know that this process does NOT filter out bacteria. It only filters dirt and mud. If you want to clean the water so that it's drinkable, you must learn how to do so from an expert, and I am not an expert on this matter.
This experiment looks like a lot of fun to try at home or out in nature for fun (just to watch the process without drinking the water). I had no idea that this was a thing, but would have loved to do this as a kid. It's so satisfying to watch the water go from muddy to clear.
See also: Lt. Smith and the booby bird — a true tale of survival